press release

Public COVID Exposure Events Driving COVID Case Increases

Point Edward, ON – With the sharp increase in COVID cases in the past week, Lambton Public Health (LPH) has determined several connections between formal and informal social gatherings that have resulted in multiple positive COVID cases, which public health is actively investigating. All close contacts will be informed by Lambton Public Health, and required to isolate themselves.

These events include settings such as meat raffles, darts leagues, recreational activities, holiday gatherings, and office and workplace functions.

Dr. Sudit Ranade, Medical Officer of Health for Lambton County has a message to the community, “This is a reminder to everyone that COVID-19 is currently actively circulating in our community. Limiting all non-essential social interactions and staying home when you are sick, even with mild symptoms, continues to be a priority. I cannot emphasize that enough.”

We all have a role to play to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. We are stronger when we all work together. If Lambton Public Health contacts you, be honest and understand that isolating close contacts is critical to slowing the spread of COVID-19.


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