Your Kid’s Health

Shaping the health of your child requires positive interactions and a safe environment that is free of harm - at home, in relationships, and in your community. As children grow, and influences change, children require support to learn and practise positive behaviour, skills and lifestyle choices that support a healthy body and mind.

Stay Safe

As a parent, your job is to protect your child from harm. Kids look to you to keep them safe from injury, protect them from illness, and to teach them skills to navigate safely and make good decisions.

doctor gives young girl vaccination

What Kids Need:

Up to Date Vaccines

Have a Safe Home

Safe Food and Water

Have a Safe Environment

What we do:

Immunization Clinics

Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program

Promote Safety Outdoors

Work with Community Partners

Inspect Daycares & Other Public Places

Promote Safe Homes

Work with Schools

Work with Health Care Providers

Group of young children in school hall

Healthy Bodies

A child’s physical, behavioural, cognitive and emotional growth development is a lifelong process that begins early and influenced by healthy lifestyle choices.

What Kids Need:

Physical Activity

Enough Sleep

Prevent Substance Misuse

Monitored Healthy Growth & Development

Balanced Nutrition

Prevent Cancer

Healthy Eyes, Ear & Teeth

What we do:

Dental Clinics

Sexual Health Clinics

Harm Reduction

Developmental Screens

Work with Community Partners

Work with Health Care Providers

Vision Screening

Enforce Smoke Free Laws

Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program

Work with Municipalities

Work with Schools

Support Community Water Fluoridation

Healthy Minds

Positive mental health requires your guidance and support to ensure children learn and practise the social and emotional skills needed to overcome challenges and reach their potential.

Two brothers sharing a laugh

What Kids Need:

Stay Mentally Well

Know how to Help in a Crisis

Seek Help for Mental Illness

What we do:

Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program

Support Healthy Organizations

Promote Mental Wellness

Connect Community Resources

Healthy Relationships

Positive interactions with your child provide the opportunity to inspire good relationship skills, teach them what makes a relationship healthy and to help children develop skills important for future health.

Father and child cutting veggies

What Kids Need:

Positive Parent/Caregiver Relationships

Skills for Healthy Relationships

Skills for Kindness and Empathy

Access to Help When They Need It

What we do:

Sexual Health Clinics

Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program

Prenatal Classes

Teach Healthy Relationships in Schools

Work with Community Partners