Smoking & Vaping Laws & Enforcement

There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In addition to reducing exposure, laws that limit places where people can smoke also contribute to lower overall smoking rates, denormalizing smoking and making it easier for people to quit.

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 is provincial legislation that regulates the sale, supply, display, promotion and use of tobacco and vapour products (also called vapes, electronic cigarettes, and many other names).

You cannot smoke or hold lit tobacco or cannabis in a smoke/vape-free area. You also cannot vape from or hold an activated vapour product in a smoke/vape-free area.

In general these are some examples of smoke/vape-free zones:

  • Workplaces including work vehicles
  • Vehicles with a rider under 16 years of age
  • School grounds
  • Health-care facilities
  • Child-care facilities
  • Playgrounds
  • Publicly-owned sport areas

It is also illegal to sell or supply tobacco and/or vapour products to anyone less than 19 years of age. Lambton Public Health is required to enforce rules for tobacco and vapour product retailers regarding display and promotion, flavours, vapour product nicotine concentration, and packaging.

When it comes to smoke-free and vape-free locations know the rules.

If you would like to report a violation, you can do it confidentially by contacting LPH. Please provide as much detail as possible by:

If you smoke, services to help you quit are available. Call us or talk with your health-care provider.

Phone: 519-383-3810 or 1-800-667-1839 ext. 3810