Healthy Environments

Healthy environments help shape our world, allow us to achieve our goals and affect the physical, social and emotional well-being of our community.

Social Environment

Good health allows us to achieve our goals, such as education, employment, or learning how to dance. Everyone should have a fair opportunity to be as healthy as possible no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have.

How our social environment impacts your health:

Social Connections
Group of individuals out hiking

What we do:

Work with Community Partners

Advocate for Healthy Policies

Build Capacity for Equity

Promote Healthy Relationships

Young girl stands in a wheat field

Physical Environment

Our physical environment is a significant determinant of our health. The way our spaces are designed, built and maintained impacts our ability to move in those settings. It changes our ability to move through and be safe in our environment.

How our physical environment impacts your health:

Built Environment
Climate Change
Vector-Borne Disease
Air and Water Quality

What we do:

Mosquito and Tick Identification

Beach Water Quality Surveillance

Vector Surveillance & Control

Investigate Health Hazards

Work with Community Partners

Work with Municipalities

Advocate for Healthy Policies

Coordination of Extreme Temperature Response

Policy Environment

Policies are important determinants of health because they shape how resources are distributed in our society, and they shape which values guide that distribution. Policies shape the influence of different interests, which can be good or bad for our health.

How policy impacts our health:

Institutional/Organization Policies
Municipal Policies
Provincial and Federal Policies
Group of young planners looking at computer

What we do:

Advocate for Health Policies

Work with Community Partners

Work with Municipalities