Health Information

Safe Homes for Kids

Most injuries to young children happen in the home. Despite your best efforts, kids will still get their share of bumps and bruises, but there are some things you can do to make serious injuries less likely to happen.

At every stage of growth, everyday objects can pose a safety risk: an unsecured change table, loose carpets, water in a bathtub, or sharp corners on a table. There are three ways to keep your children safe in your home.

First, make everyday objects safer – here are some examples:

  • Use electrical outlet covers
  • Check the water temperature before you give your child a bath
  • Use furniture properly (cribs, bassinets without bumpers or other accessories)
  • Have carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors in your home and ensure they are working
  • Use safety gates for hazards like stairs
  • Use safety guards around sharp or hazardous objects
  • Keep hazardous objects (like chemicals and cleaners) out of reach of little children.

Second, make everyday behaviours safer – here are some examples:

  • Use bicycle helmets and other protective equipment
  • Use car seats appropriate for your child’s age, height and weight
  • Teach kids how to navigate safely in and around your house

Third, safety needs change as children grow up, from infants to toddlers to young adults. Know your child or children and stay alert about where they are, what they are doing, and what risks are around them.

Information is available to educate yourself about the risks and dangers around your home, including food and water safety. Kids also need a home that is emotionally and socially safe. Learn more about caregiver relationships.

For more information or questions about keeping your home safe, talk with a public health nurse through our Family Heath Line.