Health Care Professionals Digital Vaccines & Supplies Order Form Vaccines & Vaccine Supplies Order FormVaccines will be distributed based on availability. We reserve the right to make changes to your order. All vaccine orders require a copy of last 7 consecutive days temperature log including the current date and two business days to fill order.By submitting this order form, I verify on behalf of the practice that the following: • Refrigerators have maintained temperatures between +2°C to +8°C and temperatures are documented twice daily • Accurate temperature logs will be provided upon request and are kept on site until our next annual cold chain inspection • A contingency plan is in place should a power outage and/or cold chain incident occur, including vaccine coolers temperature monitoring devices • No more than one month supply is kept in the refrigerator • All temperature excursions outside of +2°C to +8°C (if applicable) have been reported to Lambton Public Health and recommendations regarding usage of the affected vaccines have been implemented by the practiceDo you confirm the above information to be true?(Required) Yes Temperature LogPlease upload and submit your temperature log Upload Fridge Temperatures(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 64 MB. Order InformationPlease fill out all required fields.Health Care Provider / Facility Name:(Required) Date:(Required)Month123456789101112Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Contact Name:(Required) Phone #:(Required)Email:(Required) Fax:Street Address:(Required) City:(Required) Province:(Required) Postal Code:(Required) Which vaccines would you like to order?Check all that apply(Required) General/School High Risk/Special RSV Vaccines & Immunizations Covid-19 Vaccines Flu Vaccines Vaccine Supplies General and School VaccinesCheck off the vaccines you would like to order:General and School Vaccines DTap-IPV-HIB (Pentacel) Hepatitis B (Recombviax HB/Engerix-B) Hepatitis B Paed (Recombviax HB/Engerix-B) HPV-9 (Gardasil 9) IPV (Imovax Polio) (*routine schedule) Men-C-ACYW-135 (Menactra/Nimenrix) Vaccine list 2 Men-C-C (Menjugate/NeisVac-C) MMR (MMR-II/Priorix) MMR-VAR (Priorix-Tetra/Pro-Quad) Pneu-C-15 (Vaxneuvance) Pneu-C-20 (Prevnar 20) PPD (Tubersol) Vaccine List 3 Rotavirus-1 (Rotarix) Td (Adsorbed) Tdap (Adacel) Tdap-IPV (Adacel-Polio) Var (Varivax III/Varilrix) Zoster (Shingrix) Vaccine Program Table Note: The Ministry of Health is transitioning to two new pneumococcal vaccines which will now be used in the publicly funded program. Pneu-C-13 (Prevnar-13) and Pneu-P-23 (Pneumovax) are discontinued. Please return any unused product. See the table below to ensure you are ordering the correct new vaccine. Vaccine Program Eligible Age Group Previous Vaccine Current Vaccine Routine 6 weeks to 4 years of age Pneu-C-13 Pneu-C-15Vaxneuvance Routine ≥65 years of age Pneu-P-23 Pneu-C-20Prevnar 20 High Risk ≥6 weeks of age and older Pneu-P-23 andPneu-C-13 Pneu-C-20Prevnar 20 Important Prevnar 20 Storage Requirements: Syringes should be stored horizontally (laying flat on shelf) to minimize the re-dispersion time. Do not use the vaccine if it cannot be re-suspended. Do not use if large particulate matter or discoloration is found. For more information about Prevnar 20 storage, handling, and administration, please refer to the product monograph. DTap-IPV-Hib (Pentacel) # of DTap-IPV-HIB (Pentacel) doses on hand(Required)# of DTap-IPV-HIB (Pentacel) doses ordered(Required) Hepatitis B (Recombviax HB/Engerix-B) # of Hepatitis B (Recombviax HB/Engerix-B) doses on hand(Required)# of Hepatitis B (Recombviax HB/Engerix-B) doses ordered(Required) Hepatitis B Paed (Recombivax HB/Engergix-B) # of Hepatitis B Paed (Recombivax HB/Engergix-B) doses on hand(Required)# of Hepatitis B Paed (Recombivax HB/Engergix-B) doses ordered(Required) HPV-9 (Gardasil 9) # of HPV-9 (Gardasil 9) doses on hand(Required)# of HPV-9 (Gardasil 9) doses ordered(Required) IPV (Imovax Polio) # of IPV (Imovax Polio) doses on hand(Required)# of IPV (Imovax Polio) doses ordered(Required) Men-C-ACYW-135 (Menactra/Nimenrix) # of Men-C-ACYW-135 (Menactra/Nimenrix) doses on hand(Required)# of Men-C-ACYW-135 (Menactra/Nimenrix) doses ordered(Required) Men-C-C (Menjugate/NeisVac-C) # of Men-C-C (Menjugate/NeisVac) doses on hand(Required)# of Men-C-C (Menjugate/NeisVac) doses ordered(Required) MMR (MMR-II/Priorix) # of MMR (MMR-11/Priorix) doses on hand(Required)# of MMR (MMR-11/Priorix) doses ordered(Required) MMR-VAR (Priorix-Tetra/Pro-Quad) # of MMR-VAR (MMR/Priorix-Tetra/Pro-Quad) doses on hand(Required)# of MMR-VAR (MMR/Priorix-Tetra/Pro-Quad) doses ordered(Required) Pneu-C-15 (Vaxneuvance) # of Pneu-C-15 (Vaxneuvance) doses on hand(Required)# of Pneu-C-15 (Vaxneuvance) doses ordered(Required) Pneu-C-20 (Prevnar 20) # of Pneu-C-20 (Prevnar 20) doses on hand(Required)# of Pneu-C-20 (Prevnar 20) doses ordered(Required) PPD (Tubersol) # of PPD (Tubersol) doses on hand(Required)# of PPD (Tubersol) doses ordered(Required) Rotavirus-1 (Rotarix) # of Rotavirus-1 (Rotarix) doses on hand(Required)# of Rotavirus-1 (Rotarix) doses ordered(Required) Td (Adsorbed) # of Td (Adsorbed) doses on hand(Required)# of Td (Adsorbed)) doses ordered(Required) Tdap (Adacel) # of Tdap (Adacel) doses on hand(Required)# of Tdap (Adacel) of doses ordered(Required) Tdap-IPV (Adacel-Polio) # of Tdap-IPV (Adacel-Polio) of doses on hand(Required)# of Tdap-IPV (Adacel-Polio) doses ordered(Required) Var (Varivax III/Varilrix) # of Var (Varivax-III/Varilrix) doses on hand(Required)# of Var (Varivax-III/Varilrix) doses ordered(Required) Zoster (Shingrix) # of Zoster (Shingrix) doses on hand(Required)# Zoster (Shingrix) doses ordered(Required)High Risk and Special Order VaccinesHigh Risk and Special Vaccines Hepatitis A (Havrix) Hepatitis B (Engerix-B/ Recombivax) Hib (Act-HIB) HPV-9 (Gardasil 9) IPV (Imovax Polio) (*high risk schedule) 4CMenB (Bexsero) Men-C-ACYW-135 (Menveo/Menactra/Nimenrix) Hepatitis A (Havrix)