Injury Prevention for Adults

Injuries are predictable and preventable. Yet in Lambton County, injuries are the leading cause of emergency department visits¹ (about 1 in 5).

Falls² account for the most ER visits, hospitalizations and death across all age groups and causes of injury. Seniors (80+) experienced the most fall-related injuries. Other vulnerable age groups include toddlers and young children.

Aside from falls, the other leading causes of injuries resulting in ER visits include:

  • Contact with inanimate objects (falling objects, sport equipment, contact with mechanical forces)
  • Sport-related injuries
  • Animate-contact related injuries (colliding with another person, dog bite, kicked by a horse, etc.)
  • On-road injuries

By reducing the risks, the seriousness of injuries, and how often they happen, we can improve health and quality of life. Before you act, know the hazards and avoid risky behaviours.

Injury prevention can be as simple as:

  • Exercising to stay strong
  • Removing home hazards
  • Wearing proper shoes
  • Installing proper lighting
  • Actively supervising children
  • Wearing sunscreen and hats
  • Wearing safety equipment (helmets, lifejackets, seat belts, car seats)
  • Use safe lifting techniques

Learn how you can prevent injuries.

  1. Lambton Public Health, Health Indicator Summary, Overall Injury, released August 2016
  2. Ontario Injury Data Report 2018, Ontario Injury Prevention Resource Centre, Parachute