Point Edward, ON – While Lambton County is not yet designated to fully move into Stage 2 of the Provincial reopening framework, some provincial directives take effect throughout all regions on Friday, June 12.
Increased Gathering Limit to 10
The gathering limit increase from five people to 10 comes into effect June 12, 2020. This allows people to connect with more individuals while still maintaining a safe physical distance of at least 2 metres (6 feet) when those individuals are from outside your household.
Taking these precautions is an important next step to increase our interactions safely. Social distancing safety measures should continue in all situations:
- Stay home when sick
- Limit contact to only people in your household
- Use physical distancing for any interaction with people outside your household
- Reduce your risk – use good hand hygiene, cover your sneeze/cough, wear a face covering if physical distancing is a challenge
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces
Faith Communities May Open at 30% Capacity
Local places of worship are actively reviewing the restrictions and determining their readiness to open safely. These faith communities have options to continue virtual and drive-in services in order to support a capacity limit of 30% for an indoor service. Other restrictions include:
- Follow all social distancing safety measures (listed above)
- Increased cleaning and disinfection
- Active screening and attendance lists
- Avoid exchanges between people
- Limit children’s gathering (e.g. Sunday School) to 10 people total
Individuals with chronic health concerns or in a higher risk category such as compromised immunity should consider their health before attending a service in-person.
Child Care Centres
Child care centres can reopen effective June 12 with strict safety and operational requirements in place.
Child Care providers may choose to delay re-opening to ensure a safe start up. Protocols involve:
- Cohorting ― groups of 10 or less in an area
- COVID-19 response plans in place
- Active daily screening including temperature checks
- Daily attendance records
- Extra cleaning
- Only essential visitors
- Drop-off and pick-up protocols
Businesses still waiting for provincial approval to reopen are encouraged to use this time to prepare and plan for a safe reopening. Lambton Public Health staff are available to answer questions, review protocols and advise business operators to ensure a safe start up. Information is organized on our web site by the following categories:
- Workplaces
- Municipalities
- Parents and caregivers
- Community Supports
Guidance documents, resources and contact details are provided at LambtonPublicHealth.ca. This information is updated frequently.
Please contact:
Lambton Public Health