Harm Reduction Program

Program Information

The Harm Reduction Program at Lambton Public Health (LPH) provides access to a range of non-judgmental services to help reduce your risk of blood-borne infections, overdose, and other health issues.

Services available Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
*Closed on statutory holidays

Harm Reduction can:

  • Prevent sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections
  • Reduce hepatitis B and C, and HIV
  • Reduce sharing of needles and other substance-use equipment
  • Increase the safe disposal of used needles
  • Increase referrals to treatment programs as well as health and social services
  • Reduce early death among people who use substance due to overdose and other comorbidities

To learn more about the benefits of a harm reduction approach to substance use visit catie.ca.

The harm reduction program provides sterile, single-use injection and inhalation supplies and safe disposal of used drug equipment:

  • Sterile syringes
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Sterile water
  • Tourniquets
  • Spoons and filters
  • Safer inhalation kits
  • Sharps containers
  • Referrals to community resources
  • Disposal of used drug equipment*
  • Education about safer drug-use practices

*Please return used equipment in a sharps or hard, sealed container

LPH also provides:

  • Harm reduction supplies and education to eligible organizations to distribute to their clients. To determine if your organization would qualify, contact us
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and counselling
  • Condoms and other safe sex supplies
  • Immunizations against some blood-borne infections

Naloxone Kits

Naloxone is a fast-acting medication that can temporarily reverse the effects of opioid poisoning. When someone experiences an opioid overdose, their breathing either slows or stops completely. If Naloxone is used right away, the medication can help them breathe normally and regain consciousness. Naloxone is safe to use and only works if opioids are present in someone’s system. It comes in an injectable form and an easy-to-use nasal spray both are effective at reversing the effects of opioid poisoning. 

LPH provides access to FREE nasal naloxone overdose prevention kits for any person at risk for opioid overdose, and family member, friend or other person able to help someone at risk of an opioid overdose.

  • Kits are free
  • No health card or ID is needed
  • Allow 15-20 minutes for initial training with nurse

Interested in organizational training? Contact us to find out if you might be eligible for the provincial program.
Kits are also available at participating local pharmacies and community partners. 

Watch a Naloxone information video from carrynaloxONe Toolkit

Found a Needle? Now What?

Steps to safely dispose of a needle:

  • Put on gloves to protect yourself from fluid contamination (they won’t protect against punctures or cuts) 
  • Pick up the needle with BBQ tongs or tweezers by the middle of the plastic tube with the sharp end facing down. If there are multiple needles, pick them up one at a time. 
  • Place the needle in a puncture-proof, sealable container starting with the sharp end first. Close the container tightly. 
  • Dispose of the container at a 24-hour community sharps disposal bin or bring it to Lambton Public Health 

I got poked by a needle. What should I do? 

  • Remain calm. Allow the wound to bleed freely. Wash the wound with soap and water. Apply a sterile waterproof bandage and seek immediate medical attention.  

View an infographic on what to do when you find a needle.

Community Sharps Disposal Bins

Community Sharps Disposal Bins (CSDB) are provided to protect the public from needle-stick injuries – which can expose the injured person to blood-borne illnesses such as Hepatitis or HIV. Needles have been found in public areas, and it is not safe to dispose of them in regular garbage or recycling containers. There are already many smaller needle disposal containers in the community, including public restrooms, and restaurant restrooms.

View information on where you can safely dispose of sharps
View the Community Actions for Sharps Safety Fact Sheet

Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act 

The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act is a federal law that provides some legal protection for you, the person who is overdosing, and anyone at the scene from being charged with:

  • Possession of controlled substances (i.e. drugs)
  • Breaches in pre-trial release, probation orders, conditional sentences, or parole related to simple possession of substances (i.e. drugs) 

Good Samaritan Act Wallet Card: See an overdose? Call 911 immediately – The Law Foundation of Ontario
