Sexual Health

Sexuality is an important part of our overall general physical and mental health. Being comfortable with your sexuality (or asexuality) and being able to positively control your own sexual experiences are critical to your well-being. You have the right to make decisions about your body.

Being sexually healthy also means having access to accurate health information and appropriate health services.

Our sexuality is influenced by, and made up of, many things including:

  • Physical traits or sex assigned at birth
  • Gender we identify with and how we express it
  • Our physical, emotional and romantic attractions to others
  • Life stages and experiences
  • Personal, family and cultural beliefs

Communication is an essential part of a healthy relationship and positive sexual experiences. Consent is the responsibility of all partners. It must be mutual and continual. Sex is an important part of our lives, but there are risks associated with sexual activity. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be transmitted through body fluids during sexual activity. Some are easily cured or treated, while others may require longer treatment or management. In order for you to be healthy, you need to be able to talk about birth control and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections with your partner.

Lambton Public Health offers counselling, testing, and birth control options as well as free safe sex supplies through our sexual health clinic to help you have a healthy sex life.

Here are some tips to help you have a healthy sex life:

  • Talk with your partner about the benefits and risks of sex
  • Avoid unprotected sexual contact
  • Know the signs of an unhealthy or abusive relationship
    • Constantly checking up on you
    • Constant arguing
    • Partner insults or humiliates you
    • Afraid of your partner’s temper
    • Partner is aggressive toward you or your family
  • Seek help for sexual or domestic violence
  • Visit your health-care provider or Lambton Public Health sexual health clinic for counselling, testing, and birth control options