Education Professionals

Administrator Resources

Resources for Administrators

Lambton Public Health supports school administrators in maintaining a healthy and safe school environment. Access essential resources, guidance, and public health services to help manage and promote student well-being 

Oral Health

Our dental screening program screens school children in JK, SK, Grade 2 and Grade 7 for oral health concerns. When we identify a child who has dental care needs, we will provide information and resources to parents and guardians to support early treatment and care. This screening is not intended to replace routine visits to a dental health professional.

A representative from Lambton Public Health will call your school to book your screening date. Call 519-383-8331 to learn more about dental screening at your school or programs to support your student’s in accessing services.

Additional Resources:

Visual Health

Lambton Public Health will support schools, caregivers, and parents in accessing visual health services. Annual visits to the optometrist are covered by OHIP for children 19 years old and younger. Call 519-383-8331 to learn more about how you can support your students and families in accessing available funding for glasses.

Additional Resources:

Sexual Health

Slide decks and teaching supports are available through Lambton Public Health. Please contact to learn more.

Active Transportation

Being active on the way to school helps prepare students for learning by improving cognitive development and brain health, as well as memory and attention in the classroom. It can also help build social connections and independence. More students walking or wheeling to school means fewer vehicles, less congestion and emissions, and improved safety.

For support increasing active transportation at your school, please contact the School Health Coordinator at

Additional Resources


View & Report Immunizations

Exchange/Temporary International Students Immunization Records
A Guide for Exchange Students provides information and direction to exchange (or temporary international) students, their parents or guardians, and to exchange student agencies about immunization requirements to attend schools in the County of Lambton or Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

Exchange students attending a school in Lambton County or Chatham-Kent will only be admitted to school if their immunization status has been reviewed according to Ontario’s Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA).

New School Registrants from Outside Ontario

All new school registrants who have moved to Ontario from another province or country should be asked to submit immunization records to LPH at

LPH will follow-up with families to assess records and ensure vaccinations are up-to-date.

Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control

Guide to Common Childhood Infections
Lists common childhood illnesses, IPAC measures and exclusion criteria.

School Absenteeism Reporting Form and Diseases of Public Health Significance Reportable to Public Health
Aids in the tracking of absenteeism rates to help identify and manage outbreaks

Wash Your Hands Poster

Environmental Health & Safety

Download and print our new 2024 Lyme Disease Brochure.

Healthy Eating

Ontario Dietitians in Public Health
Evidence based resources developed by ODPH members to support best practices related to healthy eating and nutrition in elementary and secondary schools in Ontario. English & French available.

Eating Disorders Ontario – Disordered Eating Prevention
English & French resources available.

Mental Health Literacy

Minds Connected

An online resource focused on improving access to mental health supports and services here in Lambton County.

School Mental Health Ontario 

Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours

The Smoke Free Ontario Act

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act , 2017 (SFOA) is provincial legislation that places restrictions on the sale, supply, promotion, and use of tobacco and vapour products. Relating specifically to schools, the SFOA restricts smoking and the use of e-cigarettes in schools and on or within 20 metres of school property. It is also illegal to supply or sell tobacco or vapour products to anyone under the age of 19 in Ontario. 

Enforcement Officers with Lambton Public Health carry out inspections and respond to complaints related to the SFOA. Upon receiving a School Offense Notification, Enforcement Officers will respond and may issue a charge, a warning, or a summons to court.

School Offense Notification Form

Reporting school tobacco/vaping/cannabis offences enables Lambton Public Health to provide early and progressive enforcement of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017.  An Enforcement Officer will respond to offence notifications as soon as possible. Please provide as much information as possible below. All information is private and confidential. 

Reporting Form

Vaping & E-Cigarettes

The Tobacco Prevention Toolkit from Stanford University
A theory-based and evidence-informed resources created by educators, parents, and researchers aimed at preventing middle and high school students’ use of tobacco and nicotine. It includes modules and resources for vaping as well as commercial tobacco projects.

