When it comes to local, provincial and national policies that affect our community’s health, Lambton Public Health relies on municipalities as key partners for support.
Our municipal partners enable community health by working with us on three main areas that impact health.
1. How we design, build and maintain our built environments affect our health by changing:
- How physically active we are
- How much and how well we eat.
- How we connect with other people.
- How safe we feel.
- How much sleep and rest we can get.
2. Municipal policies and bylaws impact our health by impacting social norms, the availability of different services and the way we enjoy common spaces. For example municipal bylaws:
- Reduce tobacco and cannabis smoke and reduce vape product use in public places.
- Ensure the presence of certified food handlers in restaurants.
- Enable transit in and around our cities.
3. Together, public health and municipalities can advocate for provincial and national level policies that can impact everyone’s health. We can also use local health information to:
- Request or recommend environmental impact studies.
- Ask for resources to improve services or to meet identified needs.
- Support policies that can improve everyone’s health by reducing poverty, increasing social supports and ensuring fairness and responsibility in how resources are shared in society.
- As part of the County of Lambton, Lambton Public Health works with other County divisions – Social Services, Cultural Services, Long-Term Care, and Infrastructure to ensure and support health and well-being of all Lambton residents.
For more information or questions about our work with County of Lambton municipalities, contact Lambton Public Health.