press release

COVID-19 Surveillance Reports on Canada Day

Point Edward, ON – Lambton Public Health is reminding the public that while COVID-19 contact tracing continues, the daily surveillance report will not be updated on Thursday, July 1 (Canada Day). 

This follows a similar approach with reports from other Provincial health authorities and health units.

Lambton Public Health will continue to support COVID-19 case and contact management as part of the pandemic response. These procedures support the investigation for a confirmed case, and help to reduce further transmission in the community and settings.

All other services including vaccination clinics, the Vaccine Call Centre, and harm reduction program will not be operational due to the closure.

“While the Province is moving to Step 2 of the Roadmap to Reopen today further expanding outdoor activities, resuming some indoor services, and allowing larger groups of people to gather outdoors, I would like to remind everyone to remain vigilant,” said Dr. Ranade, Medical Officer of Health for Lambton County. “Please remember that COVID-19 is still prevalent in the community. By continuing to limit your interactions and being mindful of the public health measures that are still in place, we are protecting ourselves and the community at large from contracting this disease. Every action you take helps us get closer to getting back to normal.”

We all have a role to play to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. We are stronger when we all work together. If Lambton Public Health contacts you please be honest and understand that isolating close contacts is critical to slowing the spread of COVID-19.

For the latest updates on Lambton County’s COVID-19 Immunization Rollout please visit


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