About the Strategy

The need for a coordinated response across the health and social service sectors as well as collaboration with local enforcement officers, educators, and the community brought together a multi-sectoral steering committee in 2019 with the aim to reduce the harms related to drug and alcohol use in Lambton County.

Photo of an entrance to a community facility.

Our Vision

A flourishing community working together to prevent and reduce the harms of drug and alcohol misuse.

Our Guiding Principles

Grounded in health equity, the Strategy will employ actions that are locally relevant, strengths-based, upstream, innovative, and/or disruptive of the status quo, evidence-informed, and inclusive of people who use drugs and/or alcohol and their loved ones. The Strategy’s activities are:


Our Strategic Priorities

Mental Health and Trauma – Informed
Equitable Access and Outcomes
Decrease Use of Drugs and Alcohol
Coordinated, Holistic, and Easily Navigated systems
Reduce Stigma
Healthy, Safe and Resilient Communities

The Steering Committee

Aamjiwnanng First Nation
Bluewater Health
Bluewater Methadone Clinic
Canadian Mental Health Association – Lambton Kent
Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point First Nation
Emergency Medical Services – County of Lambton
Lambton Kent District School Board
Lambton Public Health
North Lambton Community Health Centre
Ontario Health West
Ontario Provincial Police – Lambton
Rapids Family Health Team
Sarnia-Lambton Rebound
Social Services, County of Lambton
St. Clair Catholic District School Board
St. Clair Child and Youth Services
The Inn of the Good Sheperd
Sarnia Police Service
Sarnia-Lambton Children’s Aid Society
Walpole Island First Nation
About Us
The Three Pillars