High School Catch-Up Clinics for Grade 9 to 12
Lambton Public Health will be offering catch-up clinics at high schools for students who received a First Notice letter or Suspension Order in 2025. All clinics will take place during school hours and are only for students attending the school hosting the clinic. Lambton Public Health provides free vaccinations to high school students that are overdue for mandatory vaccines (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, and meningococcal) and recommended vaccines (human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B and chickenpox). For more information on these immunizations, visit Ministry of Health and read our Immunization Fact Sheet.
Informed consent for vaccine administration will be obtained from the student and assessed by the on-site Public Health Nurse. If you know a student is unable to provide informed consent, please do not book into a high school clinic; see your health care provider or book an appointment at a catch-up clinic with a parent/guardian as an alternative. Students are encouraged to discuss immunizations with their parents/guardians.
Contact us to book an appointment.