View and Report Immunizations

Vaccines for Children
Vaccines for Adults
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Home » View and Report Immunizations

Suspension Orders under the Immunization of School Pupils Act

View the reporting steps below for returning to school:

• Elementary Reporting Steps
• High School Reporting Steps

Report your Child’s Vaccines to Public Health

Immunize Connect Ontario (ICON) is the fastest and most convenient way to submit and review updated immunization records to avoid the risk of school suspension.

Reporting Immunization Records

Report Online
Report immunizations to Lambton Public Health. Upload a picture of your record to ensure accurate records. There will be a time delay before newly submitted information shows up on a downloaded record, as it must be reviewed and accepted by health unit staff. Using ICON is still the quickest way to submit and retrieve records.

To access ICON you’ll need your child’s Ontario Health Card. The system will verify your child’s identity based on the postal code their health card is attached to. The site will prompt you to create a PIN. It is important to write down your PIN and keep it in a safe place. If the incorrect PIN is entered 5 times, your ICON account will be locked until midnight and you won’t be able to try again until 12:01 a.m. the next day. Lambton Public Health cannot unlock accounts.

If you need to reset your PIN, you can do this yourself. There may be a 15 to 30-minute delay before you get the email with a link to reset.

Mail/Drop off a copy
Mail or drop off a copy of your child’s immunization record (e.g. yellow card, printout of full record from your health care provider’s electronic system) to Immunization Records, 160 Exmouth St., Point Edward, ON N7T 7Z6

If you need assistance, contact us by email at or call 519-383-8331. If you need to reset your PIN, you can do this yourself. There may be a 15 to 30-minute delay before you get the email with a link to reset.

Access Immunization Records

Visit the Immunize Connect Ontario (ICON) website to view, save as PDF, or print an immunization record for your child. This record includes any vaccines that have been reported to public health and those that have been administered by public health.

If you need assistance, contact us by email at or call 519-383-8331. *Note: COVID-19 vaccines are recorded in the provincial system COVax at the time of administration, click to find out how to download proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

Immunization Exemptions

Children can be exempted for medical reasons, conscience, or religious beliefs. However, a child who is not vaccinated may be excluded from a school or licensed child care due to an outbreak or an immediate risk of an outbreak of a designated disease.

Complete the appropriate steps below for exemptions for children K-12 or in licensed child care. The forms are different depending on the setting and reason for exemption.

Exemption for Medical Reasons

1. Have your health care provider complete and sign the Statement of Medical Exemption form (JK to Gr 12) or Statement of Medical Exemption form (Child Care).

2. Submit the completed form to Public Health by mail or in person.

3. Keep a copy for your records.

Exemption for Religious or Conscience Reasons – School-Aged Children (JK-Grade 12)

If you are choosing not to immunize your school-aged child for religious or conscience reasons, you will need to: 

1. Watch the Ontario Ministry of Health Vaccine Education Video.

2. Complete Public Health’s Vaccine Education Survey to receive a Vaccine Education Certificate.

3. Complete a Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief Form (JK-Grade 12) including having it witnessed by an Ontario commissioner for taking affidavits. The following qualify as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits: Member of Provincial Parliament, Provincial Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Treasurer of Local Municipalities in which their local municipality is situated, Head of Municipal Council in which their local municipality is situated, Member of City Council (reeves) in which their local municipality is situated, Notary Public, Barristers and solicitors entitled to practice law in Ontario, Any individual who is empowered by the Lieutenant Governor to be a commissioner (a stamp is required for these individuals).

4. Submit original copies of your Vaccine Education Certificate and your signed Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief Form to Lambton Public Health by mail or in person.

We will not accept the exemption form without a printed copy of the Vaccine Education Certificate. Keep a copy of both the certificate and the Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief Form for your records.

Exemptions for Religious or Conscience Reasons – Children in Licensed Childcare

If you are choosing not to immunize your child care-aged child for religious or conscience reasons, you will need to:

1. Complete a Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief for Child Form (Child Care) including having it witnessed by an Ontario commissioner for taking affidavits. The following qualify as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits: Member of Provincial Parliament, Provincial Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Treasurer of Local Municipalities in which their local municipality is situated, Head of Municipal Council in which their local municipality is situated, Member of City Council (reeves) in which their local municipality is situated, Notary Public, Barristers and solicitors entitled to practice law in Ontario, Any individual who is empowered by the Lieutenant Governor to be a commissioner (a stamp is required for these individuals).

2. Submit original copies of your signed Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief Form to Lambton Public Health by mail or in person.

3. Keep a copy for your records.

Please note these forms for child care aged children will expire when your child begins school. Follow the process above to complete a new exemption once your child is in school. Note: LPH will only accept exemption forms that are completed no earlier than the calendar year that the child will be entering school.

Immunization Clinics

Find your nearest COVID-19 immunization clinic and get vaccinated to protect yourself and your community. Visit our clinics page for more information.

Grade 7 Consent

Avoid the risk of suspension and view information related to Grade 7 Consent and immunizations clinics.

Vaccine Fact Sheet

Staying informed and up to date with vaccinations continues to be the best defense against influenza.


If you have questions related to child and youth vaccines, please contact us.

Vaccines for Children
Vaccines for Adults
COVID-19 in Lambton
Influenza in Lambton