Education Professionals

Teachers Resources

Resources for Teachers

Lambton Public Health provides teachers with reliable learning supports to help build the skills and knowledge needed to enhance the well-being of their students.

Sexual Health

Sexual health education is the process of equipping individuals with the information, motivation, and behavioral skills needed to enhance sexual health and avoid negative sexual health outcomes. Effective sexual health education maintains an open and nondiscriminatory dialogue that respects individual beliefs. It is sensitive to the diverse needs of individuals irrespective of their age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, physical/cognitive abilities, and religious background.

Sexual Health is about body awareness, overall health, and well-being, making good and consensual decisions. Most children enter puberty between the ages of 8 and 14 years. Teaching about human development and sexual health helps students to have a healthy understanding of their growth and development, healthy relationships, sexual health, and more. Every child has a right to comprehensive sexual health education. This knowledge is an important contributing factor to the health and well-being of Canadian youth (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2008).

Getting ready to teach Sexual Health Education

Visit the links below to explore important considerations and enhance your understanding of concepts related to sexual health.

Websites and Programs to Support Educators

Differing Abilities

Information and resources for teaching sexual health to students with developmental disabilities developed by Alberta Health Services.

OPHEA – Health and Physical Education Elementary Resources

Includes ready-to-use lesson plans per grades as well as student templates and assessment tools. Human development and sexual health webinars also available in English and French.

PHE Canada – Always Changing

Always Changing offers a FREE, user-friendly downloadable Leader Guide, Student Guide, Parent/Guardian Guide, and Worksheets, offering a comprehensive, ready to use program that will expand student knowledge and understanding of the physical, emotional, and social changes related to puberty. Resources are available in English and French.

Public Health Agency of Canada

Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education.

Sex and U

Provides accurate, credible, and up-to-date information and education on topics related to sexual and reproductive health.

Sexual Health Ontario

Provides information about healthy relationships, sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), birth control, and more. Includes a live chat to answer questions.

Sex Information and Education Council of Canada

Develops and disseminates comprehensive sexual health education resource for educators, health professionals and the public; conducts research on sexual health; and publishes the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. Resources are in English and French.

SHORE Centre (Sexual Health. Options. Resources. Education)

Provides resources for educators of all grade levels to help teach about the human body, healthy relationships, consent, respecting diversity, and more. Classroom games, activities, and videos are available to support lesson plans. Provides online and in-person sexual health education workshops designed to address a variety of sexual health topics that are customizable to classroom grade and size. Presentations align with the Ontario Curriculum for Health and Physical Education. For Grades 4-12. 

Teaching Sexual Health

Find lesson plans and classroom resources for students with differing abilities by grade, topic, language, or resource type. All lesson plans include specific curriculum outcomes. Teacher webinars and workshops are also available.

Teaching Sexual Health for Youth with Disabilities

This resource intended to address the most commonly asked questions regarding sexual health education for school-aged youth with physical disabilities. The goal of this resource is to assist in the creation of supportive and healthy learning environments for school aged youth with physical disabilities and in providing them with sexual health education. French resources are available here.

The Fourth R Strategies for Youth Healthy Relationships

Is a comprehensive school-based program to promote healthy youth relationships by building the capacity for students, teachers, parents, and the community, in reducing violence and risk factors. For Grades 7-12.

Support From Lambton Public Health  

Lambton Public Health is committed to offering support for teachers and schools. For support or questions about teaching sexual health, please contact 519-383-8331 or email your inquiry to

The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity

This toolkit is a resource that gives you the support you need to strengthen your skills to teach comprehensive sexual health education. The toolkit includes five modules that allow educators, parents & caregivers, and community organizations to engage in: introspection into their positionality and roles; critical thinking about the field of sexual health education; and skill-building in some neglected areas and approaches to sexual health education.

Additional Supports

Healthy Growth & Development 

Oral Health

Our dental screening program screens school children in JK, SK, Grade 2 and Grade 7 for oral health concerns. When we identify a child who has dental care needs, we will provide information and resources to parents and guardians to support early treatment and care. This screening is not intended to replace routine visits to a dental health professional.

A representative from Lambton Public Health will call your school to book your screening date. Call 519-383-8331 to learn more about dental screening at your school or programs to support your student’s in accessing services.

Additional Resources:

Access to Dental Care – Healthy Smiles Ontario 

Information and resources

Dental Hygiene Canada

Evidence based information, activity sheets, and infographics to support the oral health curriculum.

Canada Dental Association

Provides educator resources to support learning and teaching about the importance of oral health in a fun way. Topics include oral care, nutrition, tooth decay, fluoride, and more.

Visual Health

Lambton Public Health will support schools, caregivers, and parents in accessing visual health services. Annual visits to the optometrist are covered by OHIP for children 19 years old and younger. Call 519-383-8331 to learn more about how you can support your students and families in accessing available funding for glasses.

Additional Resources:

Active Living & Physical Literacy

Active Transportation

Being active on the way to school helps prepare students for learning by improving cognitive development and brain health, as well as memory and attention in the classroom. It can also help build social connections and independence. More students walking or wheeling to school means fewer vehicles, less congestion and emissions, and improved safety.

For support increasing active transportation at your school, please contact the School Health Coordinator at

Physical Literacy

Physical literacy is defined as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life” (The International Physical Literacy Association, May 2014). To be physically literate, children need to learn fundamental movement skills (the building blocks of activity), as part of their healthy growth and development.

Playground Activity Leaders in Schools (PALS Program)

The PALS program is a student leadership program that encourages older students (e.g grades 4-6) to lead younger students (e.g. grades 1-3) in game activities over recess periods. Program benefits include increased leadership skills for student leaders, increased physical activity and physical literacy levels, increased inclusion and sense of belonging, reduced bullying and improved school climate.

See  the Additional Resources section below for PALS documents (approved for use only within Ontario). Additional planning tools and templates are available from Peel Public Health.   

To book facilitator training, or to seek support in offering PALS at your school, please contact the School Health Coordinator at

We are always interested to know where the PALS program is active in our community, so let us know if you are practicing PALS at your school! 

Additional Resources

Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control

Guide to Common Childhood Infections
Lists common childhood illnesses, IPAC measures and exclusion criteria.

School Absenteeism Reporting Form and Diseases of Public Health Significance Reportable to Public Health
Aids in the tracking of absenteeism rates to help identify and manage outbreaks

Diseases of Public Health Significance
Outlines diseases that are reportable to the Local Public Health Unit.

Wash Your Hands Poster

Environmental Health & Safety

2024 Lyme Disease Brochure

Download and print our new 2024 Lyme Disease Brochure

Health Canada Experiences: Ticks – Little bugs, big problems!

Interactive games, videos, resources, and a free tick exhibit to rent for your school, are all available through Health Canada Experiences.

Healthy Eating

Canada’s food guide toolkit for educators

Intended for children aged 4 to 11. Explore foods, learn food skills, develop healthy eating habits, and understand Canada’s food guide. Available in English & French.

Bright bites

Tools and resources about food, eating, and bodies. Grade specific lesson plans from kindergarten to Grade 8. Created by Ontario Registered Dietitians. Available in English.

Food is Science

Experiential, evidence resources to help educators understand and teach new food literacy expectations embedded in Ontario’s Science and Technology curriculum (Sustain Ontario). Grades 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Available in English & French.

Ontario Dietitians in Public Health

Evidence based resources developed by ODPH members to support best practices related to healthy eating and nutrition in elementary and secondary schools in Ontario. English & French available.

Eating Disorders Ontario – Disordered Eating Prevention

English & French resources available.

Creating a Positive Food Environment in School

English & French resources available.

You’re the Chef – Information Sheet

You’re the Chef (YTC) is a hands-on cooking program that develops the skills and confidence of students in grades 5-8 in preparing tasty recipes emphasizing fruits and vegetables. Public Health provides training sessions for school staff who are interested in running the program in their school. To implement the program in your school email  for guidance, support, and grant funding opportunities.  

Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours

Substance Use

Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Educator’s guide on substances. The educators guide and the accompanying video modules have been developed for education professionals working with youth from Grades 6 to 12. This includes teachers, guidance counsellors, social workers, coaches, administrators and other staff who may benefit from these resources.

Health Canada Experiences

Resources that provide in-classroom experiences, modules and activities on substance use, vaping, cannabis and opioids. Provides the option to book a session with experts for your class.

Harms of Substance Use Stigma

A stigma gallery to learn how stigma impacts people who use drugs

iMinds: A Health Literacy Resource

A stigma gallery to learn how stigma impacts people who use drugs

Ontario Road Safety Resource – CAA

Lesson plans, laws and facts about impaired driving

Alcohol and Cancer Education Resource

For grades 5-7 students in Canada. This resource aims to educate students on the association between alcohol and cancer, and how to make healthy decisions about alcohol. Using the latest research and knowledge in the field, the resources was developed with support from Toronto Public Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada. It is available in both English and French.

Vaping & E-Cigarettes

Not an Experiment Educator Resources

This list was created to highlight curriculum supports that meet certain criteria. Read the overview of each support or click on their image below to visit these resources. Website and material is also available in French. Targeted towards elementary aged students.

The Tobacco Prevention Toolkit from Stanford University

Theory-based and evidence-informed resources created by educators, parents, and researchers aimed at preventing middle and high school students’ use of tobacco and nicotine. It includes modules and resources for vaping as well as commercial tobacco projects.

VIBED (Vaping Information for Better Educated Decisions

A youth-oriented vaping education workshop targeted at secondary school students. The slides, materials, script, and interactive activities are provided to deliver the presentation.

Nicotine Products

Handout: Nicotine Products and Youth Access

Educational Resource


The Cannabis Prevention Toolkit

A set of educator resources and lessons to engage with students about Cannabis. This includes the vaping of Cannabis oils. This toolkit is also from Stanford University.

Cannabis and Mental Health

Activities for educators that encourage conversation around mental health and substance use


A film-based resource that encourages teens to talk openly and honestly about decision-making and cannabis use. The resource features a 28-minute film about fictional high school students and their relationships with cannabis. It includes a Facilitator’s Guide with lesson plans, teaching tips, student handouts, and quick facts about cannabis use (Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research). Potential for use in Grade 8 classrooms.

Pursue Your Passion

In-class experience, lessons, and activities to increase awareness of the effects of cannabis use on the brain and mental health


Info Sheet

In-class experience, lessons, and activities to increase awareness of the effects of cannabis use on the brain and mental health

Know More Opioids

In-class experience, lessons, and activities to increase awareness of the effects of cannabis use on the brain and mental health

Mental Health Literacy

Minds Connected

Minds Connected for Schools is an online resource focused on improving access to mental health supports and services here in Lambton County.

School Mental Health Ontario 

School Mental Health Ontario offers a sequenced guide including a variety of lessons and activities organized by grade. Wayfinder Overview.

Mental Health Literacy Course for Professionals

