Healthy Workplaces
Workplace health is more than preventing illness and injury. A healthy workplace engages, improves and supports efforts to improve the physical, mental and emotional health of all employees and the organization.

How to create a healthy workplace:
What we do:

Restaurants & Food Premises
Lambton Public Health supports a food-safe community by working with the community to ensure food sold or offered to the public is handled, prepared and served properly and is safe to consume. Staff inspect food premises, follow-up on confirmed/suspected food-borne illness and provide food handling education.
What Food Premises Must Do:
What we do:
Personal Service Settings
Inspection, education and enforcement of all Personal Service Settings in Lambton County helps to reduce the potential risk of spreading infectious diseases to clients and staff.

What Personal Service Settings Must Do:
What we do:

Pools & Recreational Water Facilities
Recreational use of water benefits the health and well-being of community residents. It’s important the water and the facilities are safe to use, to reduce the risk of drowning, injury and infectious diseases.
What pools & recreational water facilities must do:
What we do:
Working with schools and school boards, our team of health-care professionals strives to enable every school to be a place of positive health and well-being.

What schools can do to promote health:
What we do:

Lambton Public Health inspects all licensed child care and Early Years facilities in our community to ensure the health of your child is protected against infections and illness.